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Oodles and oodles of relevant resources regarding the feet and footwear follow, the earliest of which appeared in 1860, well over a century and a half ago yet often as relevant today as it was then. Enjoy...
"Most of what we now know about foot health—true foot health, that is—comes from scholarly writings that were published, in some cases, well over 100 years ago. These studies, along with the wisdom we have gained from unshod or minimally shod populations, are crucial to our understanding of what constitutes normal, healthy foot anatomy and how to preserve this beautiful, spade-foot shape through adulthood and well into old age."
Dr. Ray McClanahan
​Conslusions Drawn From A Comparative Study of the Feet of Barefooted and Shoe-Wearing Peoples.
Hoffman. Am J Orth Sur. 1905.
The mechanics, mechanical anatomy, and mechanical distortions of the bony structure of the human foot.
Plumeb. 1860.
Why the Shoe Pinches.
Georg Hermann von Meyer. 1861.
The Natural Shape of the Foot - How Boots and Shoes Ought to be Made.
Bad Feet. Heal Thyself.
Barker. Heal Thyself. 1934.
Let's think about what we put on our feet. [VIDEO].
Irene Davis. 2016.
The foot core system: a new paradigm for understanding intrinsic foot muscle function.
McKeon, Hertel, Bramble, Davis. Br J SptsM. 2016
Why Shoes Make Normal Gait Impossible.
Dr. William Rossi. 1999.
Footwear: The Primary Cause of Foot Disorders.
Dr. William Rossi. 2001.
Children's Footwear: A Launching Site for Adult Foot-Ills.
Dr. William Rossi. 2002.
Fashion and Foot Deformations.
Dr. William Rossi. 2001.
Toe-tal Recall: What on earth are our actually toes for?
Matt Walden. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016
The role of the great toe in balance performance.
Chou, Cheng, Chen, Ju, Lin, Wong. J Orthop Res. 2009.
Hazard of deceptive advertising in athletic footwear.
Steven Robbins, Edward Waked. Br J Sports Med. 1997.
The Effects of Habitual Footwear Use: Foot Shape + Function in Native Barefoot Walkers.
K. D’Aouˆt, T.C. Pataky, D. De Clercq and P. Aerts. Footwear Science. 2009.
Adam Sternbergh. NY Magazine. 2008.
Haile Gebrselassie Running Barefoot in Slow-Motion [VIDEO]
Athletic Footwear: Unsafe Due to Perceptual Illusions.
Robbins and Gouw. Med Sci Sp Exer. 1991.
The Influence of Footwear on the Prevalence of Flat Foot.
Sachithanandam and Joseph. J Bone Joint Surg. 1995.
An Evolutionary History of Footwear
Intrinsic Foot Muscles
Defining Footwear in terms of Plantar Sensory Feedback
It is not possible to emulate barefoot locomotion with a shoe
Barefoot and Minimalist Shoes - Fool Me Once or Twice
Footwear Use: Myth and Reality
How Minimalist Shoes ("Barefoot Shoes") Cause So Many Injuries
How Norms Requiring Shoe Use Caused Humans To Be Sedentary
What does it mean to be BAREFOOT STRONG?
Foot Function and Fascial Lines: The 1st MPJ
The Functional Impact of Bunions
Great Toe Mobility: The Linchpin to Movement Longevity | Part 1 – Anatomy
Great Toe Mobility: The Linchpin to Movement Longevity | Part 2 – Functional Assessment
Great Toe Mobility: The Linchpin to Movement Longevity | Part 3 – Correctives & Client Programming
The Functional Impact of Navicular Drop
Biomechanics of the Stiletto Strut
Optimizing Movement Efficiency in an Unnatural Environment
Your child might be wearing heels, right now.
Katy Says Podcast. Episode 18. Whole Body Barefoot.
Katy Says Podcast. Episode 19. I'm All About the Base Part I
Katy Says Podcast. Episode 20. I'm All About the Base Part II
History of Foot Fitness: Part I, Part II and Part III
Bonnie Pruden Foot Fitness Routine [VIDEO]
Feet: Going to Fall or Prevent Falling?
Children's Footwear: A Launching Site for Adult Foot-Ills.
Dr. William Rossi. 2002.
Which Shoes Are the Best for Children? Maybe None.
Natalie Angier. NYTimes. 1991.
Foot motion in children shoes: comparison of barefoot walking with shod walking in conventional and flexible shoes.
Wolf, Simon, Patikas, Schuster, Armbrust, Döderlein. Gait Posture. 2008.
Your child might be wearing heels, right now.
Katy Bowman. Nutritious Movement.
Correct Toes Helps Child with Crooked Toes.
Correct Toes.
Care of Fallen Arches in Children.
Simon J. Wikler. Take Off Your Shoes and Walk. 1962.
Preventing Children's Foot Trouble.
Simon J. Wikler. Take Off Your Shoes and Walk. 1962.
Barefooted Children Have Better Feet.
Simon J. Wikler. Take Off Your Shoes and Walk. 1962.
Discovering the Cause of Foot Trouble - A Little Boy Provides the Answer.
Simon J. Wikler. Take Off Your Shoes and Walk. 1962.
Parents For Unshod Children [Website]
What happens inside your child's shoe?
Natural foot development in children.
Children & Natural Foot Health.
Our Children, Your Environment, The Consequences...